1. Agronomy Agriculture terminology; National and International institutions; Research stations in state  universities- Agro climatic zones of Telangana state -characterization, Research priorities. Agroclimatic zones of Telangana State; weather, agricultural meteorology, study of weather parameters – Sunlight, Temperature, Pressure, Transpiration, snowfall, Rainfall- types; rainfall measuring instruments; effect of rainfall on crops ; Tillage – effect on soil properties – Factors affecting good tilth; puddling , Sowing methods; Crop stand establishment; Plant geometry – Effect of Plant population on growth & yield; Soil fertility and soil productivity ; Soil fertility management ; cultivation methods, Nutrient requirement, Organic & Chemical fertilizers- uses; Weeds – losses due
to weeds ; important aspects of weed control, use of herbicides in major agricultural crops, Integrated weed management; Irrigation water management, crop water requirement, methods of irrigation, Modern methods of water management – advantages and disadvantages; Drainage ; Harvest maturity symptoms; harvest and post Harvest measures; Rainfed agriculture- improved agronomic practices. Water harvesting, contingency crop plan; Watershed; Cropping systems; crop rotation; Integrated farming systems;; Sustainable agriculture; Organic farming- certification.
2. Crop production and improved management practices Food grain crops; commercials crops, Pulses and Oil seed crops, Fodder crops, Spices and condiments in Telangana and in India – Importance, acreage, production, productivity, improved varieties and hybrids developed, suitable soils, climatic conditions, seed rate, seed dormancy, seed treatment, spacing, intercultivation, seed rate, weed control, water management, integrated nutrient management, improved management practices, harvesting, and post harvest measures.
3. Soil Science Soil chemical and physical properties; Carbon : Nitrogen ratio and its importance, soil pH, soil organic matter; importance of microorganisms, soil ionic exchange, problematic soils, different types of soils in Telangana state; important nutrients requirement of crop plants; essentiality – forms of nutrient availability, nutrient deficiencies, corrective measures; causes for loss of soil fertility – management; soil – environmental pollution – control, classification of organic and chemical fertilizers, composting, vermicompost; biogas plant, green manures,
green manure crops, concentrated organic manures; mixed fertilizers- fertilizer use efficiency, bio fertilizers, integrated nutrient management, soil testing methods; global warming – causes, secondary nutrients; complex fertilisers; chelated micronutrients; fertilizer control act.
4. Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Seed testing Parts of flower, methods of reproductions in plants , male sterility, vegetative propagation. Plant breeding – selection, hybridization, mutation breeding, polyploidy breeding; methods of breeding for varietal and hybrid development, varietal description, DNA test; importance of seed ; seed characters, classes of seed, principles of seed production, management practices in seed production, isolation distance; difference between varietal and hybrid seed production; tips in seed production of different crops, seed certificat
ion, seed processing; cleaning and grading equipment; seed treatment; seed testing , seed viability, seed vigour,
seed dormancy, seed health, seed packing, seed varietal protection, seed pellets, biotechnology in seed development, Intellectual Property Rights, crop varietal release- trials, release procedure and release. Seed production of field
and vegetable crops, seed regulations in India, historical development, nation and international institutions in seed quality control, seed acts and regulations; seed production in fruits and flower crops; seed sampling, physical purity tests, seed moisture tests, genetic purity tests; seed processing – importance and methods; seed storage.
5. Crop pests and their management Introduction to Entomology, Taxonomy and Characters of class Insecta, Insect
Segmentation. agriculturally important insect Orders, Insect mouthparts and types. Symptoms of Damage caused by various insects . Integrated Pest Management – Importance, Predators and Parasitoids, Botanicals, chemical insect control, Insecticides – Classification, Compatibility and Formulations; Nematicides, Rodenticides etc. Sericulture, Apiculture and Lac culture. Pests of Agricultural and Horticultural crops – Scientific names – nature of Damage and
Management, Stored grain Pests – Management, Non –insect Pest Management (Rodents, Birds and Nematodes).
6. Plant diseases and their control Introduction to Plant pathology- casual organisms, terminology – concepts,
classification of diseases, etiology, disease spread, pathogens, predisposing factors of diseases, disease management methods- use of fungicides, classification of fungicides, common fungicides- mode of action; diagnosis of field diseases, important methods of diseases management, control of diseases, nematodes and plant parasites- their management; diseases of important field and horticultural crops and their management.
7. Horticulture and forestry Vegetable Crops and their cultivation details; important fruit crops, medicinal,aromatic crops and flower crops of Telangana state-propagation, nursery management, pruning, green houses, principles of fr
uits and vegetable storage; value addition of fruits and vegetable products; Agro forestry – importance, national forest polices and forest acts; afforestation, management of forest nurseries, important forest plants- uses, their man
agement; Social forestry, wind break trees, timber and non timber forest products – their characters.
8. Agricultural Economics Agriculture finance – definition, Scope and importance; Regional Rural Banks; NABARD; Self Help Groups; Lead Bank Scheme; Kisan Credit Card; Crop Insurance, preparation and uses of balance sheet, t
heory of production – law of variable proportions; laws of returns, returns to scale; economies of scale; study of costs and returns; farm business organizations-aims and main objectives, farm management-aims; types of farming, farm planning –types, uses, cooperation-principles; farmers cooperative societies –types; co-operative movement in India –history; farmer cooperative societies and Agriculture cooperative societies –types and uses; agricultural credit policy-main features; different types of agricultural credit; cooperative banks, RBI, problems faced by farmers in accessing credit; agricultural marketing- types of Agriculture markets, market efficiency; problems of agricultural marketing-overcoming measures; price determination; seed industry –importance; seed price policies; market price
and normal price.
9. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Education- Formal and informal education-differences; Extension education- scope and importance; Extension Teaching methods-uses and limitations; Agriculture information publications-types limitations, uses; Instructional aides; Extension programme planning stages; principles of
programme planning, Evaluation – types and importance; Rural sociology-importance; characteristics of Indian Rural Society; differences between rural and urban societies; Rural development objectives and constraints, Participatory Rural Appraisal- important characters, Principles, methods. Leadership- qualities, Classification; selection and training of leader; Pre and Post Independence developmental programmes; society development guidelines; democracy and decentralization – Panchayat Raj System; importance, Three Tier system of Panchayat
Raj-functions; Mandal system in Telangana – organizational characters; Extension reforms- Importance of ATMA.
10. Agricultural Energy Sources, Machinery Energy resources in Agriculture; farm engines – their parts, differences;
Characteristics of Fuels, Tractors-types; Tractor Management; Power Tiller- Working Mechanism, Ploughing Implements; Bund Formers, Traditional Sowing Equipment, Types of Sprayers-Dusters, Weeding Implements; Crop Harvesters, Threshers- their management; Winnowing- methods; post harvest equipments, grain drying methods; grain storage structures- types, uses; food grain storage.
11. Land surveying, water engineering and Green House Technology Surveying- types, errors; methods of Irrigation water measurement; Drip and Sprinkler irrigation systems- importance; types of pumps- repairs; Green houses- importance, types, material for construction; Environmental conditions in green houses- their control; shade nets- their uses..

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